• @Reyronald/Codemod Absolute To Relative Imports

    npx codemod @reyronald/codemod-absolute-to-relative-imports
  • Correct Ts Specifiers

    This package transforms import specifiers from the old tsc (TypeScript's compiler) requirement of using .js file extensions in source-code to import files that are actually typescript; the corrected specifiers enable source-code to be runnable by standards-compliant software like Node.js.

  • Import Change Js To Ts Extensions

    This codemod changes .js to .ts file extension in relative, top-level imports. If no .js file extension was previously used, it adds .ts file extension instead.

  • Import Add Js Extensions

    This codemod adds .js file extension to relative, top-level imports.

  • React Router/6/Update Relative Links

    This codemod modernizes Route and Link components in React Router by:

    1. Removing the deprecated exact prop from Route.
    2. Updating Route to use the element prop.
    3. Rewriting dynamic Link and Route paths that use template literals like ${match.url} and ${match.path}.
  • React Router/7/Migration Recipe

    This codemods designed to facilitate the migration of your project from React Router to version 7. Each codemod targets specific changes and improvements introduced in React Router v7, ensuring a smoother transition.

  • React Router/7/Add V7 RelativeSplatPath Flag

    This transformation adds the necessary configuration to enable v7 features, specifically the v7_relativeSplatPath flag. It affects both components and createBrowserRouter configurations.

  • React Router/7/Relative Links

    This transformation updates elements within route trees to include an extra relative segment. This ensures that links continue to point to the correct locations after the route structure changes.

  • Nuxt/4/File Structure

    Updates the file structure of a Nuxt.js project when migrating from v3 to v4.

  • Nuxt/4/Absolute Watch Path

    This codemod converts paths emitted by Nuxt's builder:watch hook from relative to absolute, enhancing support for external directories and complex patterns.
