Use case
Vercel Postgres To Neon
This is a codemod created with
codemod init
.Poulet42/Add Boilerplate Signature Glimmer
This codemod adds an empty component TS signature to glimmer components
Poulet42/Add Component To Template Registry
This codemod adds a glint registry declaration in component files if it's not present already.
Correct Ts Specifiers
This package transforms import specifiers from the old
(TypeScript's compiler) requirement of using.js
file extensions in source-code to import files that are actually typescript; the corrected specifiers enable source-code to be runnable by standards-compliant software like Node.js.Sveltekit Vite Preprocess Migration
This codemod updates import paths and ensures compatibility with changes in library structures. In this example, it modifies the import statement for vitePreprocess to reflect updates in the library's API.
Dynamic To Static Env Transformer
This codemod transforms import {$A} from '$env/dynamic/public'; and import {$A} from '$env/dynamic/private'; into their static counterparts, replacing them with import {$A} from '$env/static/public'; and import {$A} from '$env/static/private';, respectively. It ensures compatibility for prerendered pages and static deployments.
Add Status To Error Handling
This codemod improves error handling in SvelteKit by updating the way errors are returned in the load function. In SvelteKit 1, errors were handled inconsistently, often missing the status property or failing to trigger the handleError hook. SvelteKit 2 standardizes error handling by automatically including the status and message properties in error responses.
React/Update React Imports
This codemod transforms React imports to use named imports instead of default or namespace imports. This helps reduce bundle size by allowing better tree-shaking of unused React exports.
Vue 2 To Vue 3 Refs And Methods
This codemod turns X into Y. It also does Z. Note: this is a contrived example. Please modify it.
React 17 Default Props To Params
This codemod turns X into Y. It also does Z. Note: this is a contrived example. Please modify it.
ChakraUI/V3/Update Chakra Provider
- Updates the ChakraProvider import from @chakra-ui/react
- Renames the theme prop to value to match the new system-based theming approach
ChakraUI/V3/Refactor Custom Theme
- Replaces extendTheme with createSystem and defaultConfig.
- Updates your theme object to fit the new structure required by Chakra UI.
Webpack To Rspack/Migrate Terser Plugin
Change import and usage of from TerserPlugin to use included rspack.SwcJsMinimizerRspackPlugin.
Webpack To Rspack/Migrate Html Plugin
Change import and usage of from html-webpack-tags-plugin to use includedhtml-rspack-tags-plugin.
Webpack To Rspack/Migrate Manifest Plugin
Change import from webpack-manifest-plugin torspack-manifest-plugin.
Webpack To Rspack/Replace Webpack Virtual Modules To Rspack Plugin Virtual Module
Change import from webpack-virtual-modules to rspack-plugin-virtual-module.
Webpack To Rspack/Community Csminimizer To Rspack Plugin
Change import and usage of from css-minimizer-webpack-plugin to use included rspack.LightningCssMinimizerRspackPlugin.
Webpack To Rspack/Eslint Webpack Plugin To Eslint Rspack Plugin
Change import from eslint-webpack-plugin to eslint-rspack-plugin.
Webpack To Rspack/Cssextractwebpackplugin Community To Included Plugin
Handles the migration of the CssExtractWebpackPlugin webpack plug-in into an included plugin in rspack.
Webpack To Rspack/Handling Built In Plugins Migrations
- Rspack has implemented most of webpack's built-in plugins, with the same names and configuration parameters, allowing for easy replacement.
- Replace the the include package from webpack to rspack one.
- Replaces the webpack object in the plugins array to rspack object.
- Handles only for supported and partially supported built-in plugins. (as of 11th Oct 2024)