• Correct Ts Specifiers

    This package transforms import specifiers from the old tsc (TypeScript's compiler) requirement of using .js file extensions in source-code to import files that are actually typescript; the corrected specifiers enable source-code to be runnable by standards-compliant software like Node.js.

  • Deno Remove Node:Process Import

    This codemod removes redundant import process from 'node:process'; statements, as process is now globally available in Deno v2

  • by@dfordp
  • Node/22.8.0/Vm Context Modifications Codemod

    Node.js implements a flavor of vm.createContext() and friends that creates a context without contextifying its global object when vm.constants.DONT_CONTEXTIFY is used. This is suitable when users want to freeze the context (impossible when the global is contextified i.e. has interceptors installed) or speed up the global access if they don't need the interceptor behavior.

  • Node/22.8.0/Enable Compile Cache In Start Server

    This release adds a new API module.enableCompileCache() that can be used to enable on-disk code caching of all modules loaded after this API is called. Previously this could only be enabled by the NODE_COMPILE_CACHE environment variable, so it could only set by end-users. This API allows tooling and library authors to enable caching of their own code. This is a built-in alternative to the v8-compile-cache/v8-compile-cache-lib packages, but have better performance and supports ESM.
